
کد مقاله : 1396093020565419814

عنوان مقاله : A Narrative Analysis on the Anecdotes of the Golestan By Sa`adi

کلمات کلیدی : the Golestan by Sa`adi ، anecdotes ، stories ، events ، sequences

نشریه شماره : 17 Autumn-Winter 2017

مشاهده شده : 2577

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  نام و نام خانوادگی پست الکترونیک مرتبه علمی مدرک تحصیلی مسئول
1 Fakhreddin Saied fakhreddinsaied@yahoo.com Post Graduate Student M.A
2 Mohammad Hakim Azar mohammadhakimazar@yahoo.com Assistant Professor PhD
3 Mazaher Nikkhah mazahernikkhah@yahoo.com Associate Professor PhD

چکیده مقاله

The aim of this study was to investigate the narrative capacities in the Golestan by Sa`adi. To the authors, it is different from other studies and surveys conducted on this valuable book. This study investigated the role of content in richening the quality and diversity of actions’ structures and narrative events in the Golestan’s anecdotes. The authors evaluated and defined the special narrative features and components of Golestan’s anecdotes from the viewpoint of structure and narration, and opened a new horizon in the field of research in other contexts that science enthusiasts will face in the future. The paper also indicated that Sa`di was of literary understanding, therefore, he founded his anecdotes on the basis of principles and practices which centuries later, became the basis of modern writing in fiction and short stories. Sa`adi’s belief system was based on recognizing the world around him and inducing it to the audiences through allegory; so the prevalent discourse of the anecdotes was an educational one.