
کد مقاله : 14000425274250

عنوان مقاله : Examine the symbol of the mythical and medieval creatures at the Shukat Bukhari Court

نشریه شماره : 25 Spring 2021

مشاهده شده : 926

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  نام و نام خانوادگی پست الکترونیک مرتبه علمی مدرک تحصیلی مسئول
1 mohamad bahramiasl mohamadbahramiasl@yahoo.com Teacher Assistant PhD

چکیده مقاله

Symbolic attitudes toward animals have been commonplace around the globe, and human beings have relied on symbolism as a significant and effective means of daily living to express their cardiac intentions and aspirations. The symbol has been around for hundreds of years in the Persian language, especially for its antiquity and has been taken as the equivalent of the word symbol. One of the most prominent manifestations of symbolism in mysticism has been found in legendary and mythological beings, which has given them a symbolic and symbol-oriented look at the symbolism of Shaukat Bukhari's poetry because of his use of these symbols to express mystical mystical representations. The mystical virtues of his poetry are of great consequence, and so far have not been paid for, so the poem is examined and illustrated in this article. May this article be an introduction to Fazl Waddab's attitude to this issue from the perspective of the New Poet and Divan, another great poet from across the Webom border.