The semi-mythical narration of the martyrdom of Arash Kamangir is a reflection of belief in the
ancient Aryan gods and a latent reflection of the deeds of the Aryan warrior gods in the world
of light, which proves the Scythian authenticity by handing over the deeds of those gods to the
spiritual gods, especially God in Zoroastrianism. , We also see the signs of this epic narration
in the primary (early) Avesta and its obvious presence in the secondary (late) Avesta, which has
determined and achieved the goal of its founders and creators. In this article, citing consistent
quotations, The connection of this story with the events of the early Parthian period and how it
is related to the events of the Sassanid period is examined and the causes of the rebirth of ancient
mythical characters are analyzed in the form of Arash Kamangir. Also, the embodiment of
Arash, which is a symbol of national unity, indicates social turmoil at the time of its emergence
and the need for epic approaches in the second half of the Sassanid Empire. In this article, while
examining the story formation process, researchers' data and theories are analyzed and some
contradictory statements are made. The presence of the formation of the national narrative of
Arash Kamangir is rejected or corrected.