Romanticism is one of the most important literary correspondences in the contemporary world,
which is based on the West and its emergence coincided with the collapse of the system and the
Industrial Revolution. All of which were not new and famous phenomena of classical humans
and they were the most famous literary and artistic insights of nineteenth-century Romanticism.
This school has been a natural imaginative art for those who seek to take refuge in a fading and
imaginative world in terms of the hardships and difficulties of the industrial world. By reviving
the landscapes of nature, we are trying to recall the lost blessing, or we were about to destroy it.
For many years, the dominance of European art and literature was in fact provincial, after the
dry rules of dry classicism and against aristocracy. In the poems of William Beck and Nader
Naderpour, the components of romanticism are well seen. In this study, after examining the
school of Romanticism, the characteristics of this school are expressed and then the poems of
William Blake and Nader Naderpour will be analyzed. From reading the works and analyzing
them, it seems that both poets chose this school together for personal reasons and together due
to social conditions, so that it can have a great impact on nature due to their past life in nature
and the reference to freedom and He observed death due to the unhealthy conditions of the
society in their poems and the child played a role in some of the poems Sometimes both poets
want to go back to the past and live in a simple rural environment, and sometimes they write
about their past and childhood memories in their poems.