Biabani is a young contemporary poet, writer, political activist, researcher and born in southern
Iran. Like many poets of those days, he felt a commitment and responsibility to his homeland
and its ideals, and like them, he bravely entered the cultural arena to defend his homeland.
Together with your fellow trainers, you tried to preserve the high values of your homeland.
He wrote poems before the 1940s and has left valuable works, of which five books have been
published so far. The present study, in an analytical-descriptive manner, using library and
electronic resources and tools, seeks to obtain the answer: Is Mohammad Biyabani the poet of
the sustainability literature of his time? What are the themes and most prominent themes of
sustainability literature in desert poetry? Desert seems to be one of the socially committed poets
of its time and themes and themes such as protest, patriotism, freedom, oppression, tyranny
and oppression, torture, imprisonment, hostility, tyranny, ignorance, poverty, deception and The
political lies of the government and the coup d'état of 28 August and the support of Mossadegh,
Palestine are present in his poetry. The most prominent theme of sustainability literature in his
poetry is patriotism, freedom, the coup d'état of 28 August and support for Mossadegh, tyranny,
torture and tyranny of that time.