
کد مقاله : 14011019285478

عنوان مقاله : Features of the Social Symbolism Movement in Seyyed Ali Salehi's Poems

نشریه شماره : 31 Autumn 2022

مشاهده شده : 816

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  نام و نام خانوادگی پست الکترونیک مرتبه علمی مدرک تحصیلی مسئول
1 Alireza Ebrahimi Ali131reza@gmail.com Post Graduate Student M.A
2 Majid Reza Khazaei Vafa majidreza.vafa@gmail.com Associate Professor PhD
3 Mahmoud Firouzimoghaddam firouzimoghaddam@gmail.com Associate Professor PhD

چکیده مقاله

Abstract The social symbolism movement is a newly emerging trend in contemporary Persian poetry. Although this movement seems to be related to the school of symbolism that occurred in France at the end of the 18th century, this relationship is very weak. In fact, the social symbolism movement is more close to allegorical and symbolic poems in traditional poetry, with two prominent features: symbolization and socialism. The authors study these two features of the social symbolism movement in the poetry collection of "Prayer of a Woman on the Road" by Seyyed Ali Salehi, a contemporary Iranian poet. In the symbolism section, several important symbols in his poetries are analyzed, including the child, butterfly, night and morning, wind, traveler, and shirt. Regarding the second feature, socialism, it has been tried to analyze this feature in Salehi's committed social poems. First, the data were collected from library sources and then analyzed in the collection of "Prayers of a Woman on the Road" (first edition: 2000).