MConspiracy theory, which revolves around the three notions of the conspirator, the conspired
and the premise of conspiracy has been of interest to sociologists and political scientists. The
roots of these issues may also be investigated and analysed in the classical epic and political
literature of Iran and of the world. The examination of the role of women and of how their visage
is reflected in ancient works has always been of interest and subject of discussion among experts.
One epic work, the epopee of Bizhan Nāmeh, is considered to have plagiarised Ferdowsi’s Shāh
Nāmeh and is attributed to Khājeh Amid Atā ibn Nākouk Rāzi. This work deals with the story
of Bizhan and Manizheh, which is a romantic-epic story. The current analytic-descriptive study
aims to discuss Manizheh’s visage as one of the influential women in the creation of another
conflict between Iran and Turan and as the person who has given rise to important events in
the story. Manizheh’s role in warmongering and conspiracy, having led to actions and reactions
throughout the story, can be discussed and analysed from different perspectives. As it appears,
Manizheh, a trouble-making woman in the story, launches a coup against the royal family of
Afrāsiāb and contributes to the decadence of his rule. In this battle, a significant role is played by
exogamy as a purposeful act. The results of this study indicate that Manizheh had a key role in
two of the three conspiracies in this epopee and has instigated most of its events.