It is a semantic and intratextual study to analyze surrealist imagery. In Naftha al-Masdoor, the
surrealist background is contrasted with literary and thematic methods. The book is a suitable
text for exploring the value of images and in showing where images are situated within surrealist
writing. The research was conducted using library tools in a descriptive and analytical manner.
In this study, the text of Naftha al-Masdoor is examined in light of the principles of surrealism.
In order to accomplish this, Zidari Nasavi's entire work, including his image processing method,
has been evaluated in light of surrealist principles, and concepts and images containing surrealist
signs, illusions, dreams, and elements above reality have been identified and analyzed. It has been
determined that the surrealistic imagery in the prose of the book Naftha al-Masdoor with its
signs of alienation, irrationality and insanity, dream and imagination, terror, fear and sadness,
strange descriptions and weird and bizarre objects, nihilism and skepticism and continuous
revolution has been interwoven within the prose of hard to obtain and abounding in array.