
کد مقاله : 14020116285503

عنوان مقاله : Stylology of Sayeri poems

کلمات کلیدی : Sayeri, Poetical Works, Stylistics

نشریه شماره : 32 Winter 2023

مشاهده شده : 878

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  نام و نام خانوادگی پست الکترونیک مرتبه علمی مدرک تحصیلی مسئول
1 Soraya Eslamikhoo sorayaeslamikhoo@gmail.com Post Graduate Student M.A
2 hakimazar@gmail.com Assistant Professor PhD
3 Asghar Rezaporan rezaporian@gmail.com Assistant Professor PhD

چکیده مقاله

knowing hidden aspects of artistic works especially poetical works is possible ging through studying the way of their formation. Sayeri Mashhadi is one of the unknown. (but very competent) poets in the 11th century (Hejira). Analysis of stylistics of Sayeri's poems not only discovers his artistic and lingual strategies and intellectual Messages but also shows. a part of literature and history of Iran. Sayeri's poetry has considerable semantics, contents and figures of speech. In addition, his poetry has been influenced by social and political conditions. Sayeri has shown Some innovations in usage of words. interpretations, and imageries. This article. aims to study stylistic features and innovations which the poet has considered in his poems by method of library. data collection in three lingual, literary and intellectual levels.