The story of Joseph is the story of the love and affection of Prophet Jacob and Zuleikha for
Joseph, one of them has love for his child and gets white eyes when parting with him, and the
other has love for his bought gold slave and his work leads to scandal and poverty. An interesting
and exciting story, Full of thoughts, Full of beautiful divine wisdom and the expression of
the power of love is evident in the story of Joseph and It is not without reason that God has
mentioned it in the Qur'an as "Ahsan al-Qasas". In this research, we investigate the character
of Hazrat Joseph in Shams's sonnets, which he used symbolically. First, we will classify the
characters of the study, and then we will analyze what kind of symbol Maulana had in mind for
Joseph's character through the symbolic analysis of those characters. The most important result
of the present research is that Maulana narrated all the points of Hazrat Joseph's life in a masterly
and symbolic way.