Literary works, more or less reflect the beliefs of the general public. One of the poets in Timurid
era whose works on popular beliefs which are worthy of consideration is Esmat Bukharae. From
this point of view, no special research has been done on his poems but in this regard, many
researches have been done on the poems of most other poets. The aim of this study is to use
the theoretical foundations of these sources and extract related topics of folk beliefs which are
exist in the poems of Esmat Bukharae. Findings indicated that various scientific, religious, folk
beliefs and especially religious beliefs are evident in the poems of Esmat Bukharae. The most
important results of the present study are: (1) some of the beliefs of Khajeh Esmat are different
from the views of modern jurists. (2) Khajeh Esmat Bukharae has been abundantly influenced
in reflecting folk beliefs from Ferdowsi's poems. (3) the method of reflecting folk beliefs in
Bukharae's poems has often been done using the industry of Hosne Ta'lil.