Linguistic signs in poetry function to convey the message. Poets mostly appeal to such semiotic
techniques to create their works. To this end, the present research sets to explore the natural
signs in Sepehri’s poems depending on data collected from his “eight books”. Data analysis
carried out within theoretical framework of Saussure and Peirce’s semiotic notions. The results of
the present research revealed that Sepehri sought to transfer moral values and peaceful concepts
to all human beings via the utilization and humanitarian themes..Semiotically, one can say that
Sepehri’s symbolic language is more fluid and expositional .The meaning of words never bound
to their natural and essential fixed features in his poems .Symbolic terms lead to the formation
of different semantic layers. Thus, the variety of referents and semantic association can be seen
in his poems .Sepehri’s modern point of view and his tendency to far-east mysticism caused him
to turn his eyes to all creatures in the universe. This cute point of view crystalized in his poems
and this made him as a stylist poet.