Recognizing individual needs and trying to satisfy them is one of the ways to achieve a desirable
life. William Glaser is one of the psychologists who presented a positive theory based on internal
control, called the theory of choice, in which he proposed five basic human needs, which include
survival, love, power, freedom, and fun, and their satisfaction is the source of human behavior.
The purpose of this essay, which is a theoretical study with a descriptive-analytical method, is a
comparative study of basic human needs in the poems of Jale Qaim Maggi and Simin Behbahani,
relying on Golsar's selection theory. The findings of the present research show that there are
manifestations of each of the five basic needs in the poetry of Jaleh Qaim Maggi and Simin
Behbahani, but some of these needs are felt more in the individual under the influence of factors
in life and environment, and this caused more images of them in their poetry. opportunity to