The period of constitutionalism is the beginning of the arrival of many new ideas in the field
of Persian poetry and prose. Thoughts that have entered Persian poetry from this period,
although sometimes found in the history of literature in some way, but have their own form
in constitutional literature and beyond. One of the most important of these ideas is the idea of
patriotism or patriotic poetry, which, especially in the period of the constitutional period and
the following years, dramatically took over the Iranian poetry space and most of the poets of this
period composed patriotic poems and They made this concept the headline of their thought.
In the present study, which is a library and descriptive-analytical method. Manifestations of the
patriotism of two contemporary poets, the Akhavan Sales and Nader Naderpour, have been
examined. Akhavan Sales more than the birthplace and birthplace of his homeland Yadkrdh and
explicitly, the national identity and assets material and spiritual homeland Ajdadyash defense,
and their protest against tyranny that aliens against his people, and water and soil Roy had
announced Does. Naderpour is also, like some of the chauvinist poets, under the influence of
fanatical arrestanist thoughts, against relationships religious religious religious beliefs of his