
کد مقاله : 14030126285645

عنوان مقاله : Review and analysis of the eighth grade Persian book based on the basics of redundant and absurd curriculum

نشریه شماره : 36 Winter 2024

مشاهده شده : 159

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  نام و نام خانوادگی پست الکترونیک مرتبه علمی مدرک تحصیلی مسئول
1 Zahra Taziki Dr.nilofartaziki@gmail.com Post Graduate Student M.A
2 Mahmoud Firouzimoghaddam firouzimoghaddam@gmail.com Associate Professor PhD
3 Abbas Kheir Abadi dr.abbaskheyrabdy8@gmail.com Associate Professor PhD
4 Hossein Momeni Mahmouei Momenimahmouei@yahoo.com Assistant Professor PhD

چکیده مقاله

Among the educational levels, the secondary course is of special importance; Because at this point in time, students, in addition to entering a new stage, also enter a new stage in terms of emotional, moral and social development. Persian literature is one of the important lessons in this period. Therefore, compiling the curriculum of Persian books in the framework of the goals that lead the audience to them, is a priority for planners. One type of curriculum is the absurd curriculum, which shows how successful the curriculum authors have been in developing it. Considering the importance of these two types of curricula and also the special place of Persian literature in high school, in the present study, which is based on library sources and descriptive-analytical method, the analysis of the eighth grade Persian textbook based on the basics of the curriculum is absurd. Excess is paid. The results show that most of the topics in this book, after examining the three domains of language (lexical and grammatical levels), literary (phonetic levels, expression, novelty and meanings) and thought, are included in the redundant curriculum. Also, limited lessons should be considered an absurd curriculum. The most important factor that proves the redundancy of the lessons is: the use of heavy Arabic words, the use of ancient, abandoned and unfamiliar construction of some terms and words.