The significance and literary impact on human life are honorable matters. Literature has always
been a companion to the spirit and soul of humans in every situation. One of the most important
goals of literature is to determine the role of language in the artistic level of literary or scientific
texts. Considering this contribution, language has a reciprocal relationship with literature,
where its function is the transmission of information and artistic creation. The foundation of
many writers' works in creating literary or scientific works involves teaching, elucidating, and
conveying mental writings and expressing specific thoughts to the audience. This process is done
in a simple and unpretentious manner to engage the second learner. However, other writers
employ a different approach, involving complex expressions and literary devices. In this essay,
the author seeks to demonstrate the writer's perspective in creating a work to prove whether
the author's goal is literary creation, deviating from norms, or merely conveying a message and
transferring information.