
  کد مقاله عنوان مقاله تاریخ ارسال نویسندگان فایل های مقاله
1 139610011029119822 Epic Genre and Its Style
Mokhtar Ebrahimi
2 14000425274253 Analysis of the "lifestyle" of the characters in the novel "My Share" based on the theory of Alfred Adler
Seedeh Samimi
kamran pashaie fakhri
parvaneh adelzadeh
3 14030510285675 An Investigation of Opposition and Conflicting Meanings and Themes as a Distinguishing Versification of Sheikh Shohrat Shirazi
Rajab Tohidiyan
ابتداقبلی1بعدیانتها مشاهده 1 تا 3 ( از 3 رکورد)